Thursday, 17 March 2011

Grid Control : Set up a public monitor display PC

Config within Grid Control - a MONITOR user
* Set up a monitor role in Grid Control
 * Setup->Roles->Create
 * Enter name but no roles, sys privs,  No admin users
* Set up a monitor admin user
* Setup->Administrators
 * Enter name etc, then assign the MONITOR_ROLE, no sys privs
* Assign targets to the role
 * for EACH TARGET to be seen by the monitor need to grant view access individually !!
 * Go to each target page->Access link->Add->MONITOR_ROLE
 * Save
* To add a location to a target
 * In each target screen there is a Target Properties link that includes a location field
 * Various screens including All Targets can be customised to show the Location (Customize table columns)
* The best page to display is probably All Targets
* To limit the tabs displayed log in as MONITOR and choose Preferences->Target Subtabs and remove unwanted subtabs

Config on the display box
* Use Firefox
 * Set as the default browser Tools->Options->General
 * Install the ReloadEvery firefox plugin - this adds an option to the context menu on each page (right click on the web page to find it)
 * Set up a shortcut to OEM - will need to login perhaps - maybe can include password?
 * Navigate to the All Targets page
 * Turn on the reload for every minute
* To lock down the monitoring PC
 * Download and install kidkeylock
 * Create a shortcut to start it
 * TIP add /setup param to the shortcut to avoid being locked out immediately
 * In the program options set two pins and turn off all keyboard and all mouse and baloon tip (which shows the password)