Friday 17 July 2009

Oracle : Tracing the session behind an ORA-54 resource busy message

select    oracle_username || ' (' || s.osuser || ')' username
,    s.sid || ',' || s.serial# sess_id
,    owner || '.' ||    object_name object
,    object_type
,    decode(    l.block
    ,    0, 'Not Blocking'
    ,    1, 'Blocking'
    ,    2, 'Global') status
,    decode(v.locked_mode
    ,    0, 'None'
    ,    1, 'Null'
    ,    2, 'Row-S (SS)'
    ,    3, 'Row-X (SX)'
    ,    4, 'Share'
    ,    5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)'
    ,    6, 'Exclusive', TO_CHAR(lmode)) mode_held
from    v$locked_object v
,    dba_objects d
,    v$lock l
,    v$session s
where     v.object_id = d.object_id
and     v.object_id = l.id1
and     v.session_id = s.sid
order by oracle_username
,    session_id

ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '109,27585'; --sess_id