--General query select s.spacename,sp.*,s.* from SPACEPERMISSIONS sp, spaces s where 1=1 and s.spaceid = sp.spaceid order by 1,2
--Look up the exact space name select * from spaces
--Check what permid range is available select * from SPACEPERMISSIONS where spaceid in (select spaceid from spaces where spacename = 'IT') order by 1
-- Add full permissions to the confluence-administrators group for a single space -- * Set the offest to a range which allows 14 rows to be added -- * Use either perm_groupname OR perm_username but not both -- * Replace anotheruser as appropriate insert into SPACEPERMISSIONS with target as ( select 3620 offset, 'confluence-administrators' perm_groupname, NULL perm_username, 'IT' spacename, 'anotheruser' audit_username from dual), ptypes as ( SELECT 'COMMENT' permtype from dual union all SELECT 'CREATEATTACHMENT' from dual union all SELECT 'EDITBLOG' from dual union all SELECT 'EDITSPACE' from dual union all SELECT 'EXPORTPAGE' from dual union all SELECT 'EXPORTSPACE' from dual union all SELECT 'REMOVEATTACHMENT' from dual union all SELECT 'REMOVEBLOG' from dual union all SELECT 'REMOVECOMMENT' from dual union all SELECT 'REMOVEMAIL' from dual union all SELECT 'REMOVEPAGE' from dual union all SELECT 'SETPAGEPERMISSIONS' from dual union all SELECT 'SETSPACEPERMISSIONS' from dual union all SELECT 'VIEWSPACE' from dual) select t.offset+rownum permid, s.spaceid, p.permtype, t.groupname permgroupname, t.perm_username permusername, t.audit_username creator, sysdate creationdate, t.audit_username lastmodifier, sysdate lastmoddate from target t, ptypes p, spaces s where t.spacename = s.spacename (+) |