Saturday, 31 October 2009

ESXI : SSH enable

  1. alt-f1 at console screen - (Note: you will not see your typing on this screen, just trust us, it is there).
  2. unsupported
  3. root pw
  4. vi /etc/inetd.conf
  5. delete the “#” from ssh
  6. restart

Nb may need to ps aux |grep inetd (getting the PID) and kill -HUP PID

scp works, sftp does not.

Friday, 30 October 2009

New squeezebox server

* Centos 5.4

* squeezeboxserver-7.4.0-1.rpm
  manually install BBCiPlayer plugin - would not work auto
  into /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/
* vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

* vi /etc/resolv.conf

* Add additional vm disk 150Gb
 fdisk /sdb
 mkfs.ext3 /sdb1
* vi /etc/fstab
/dev/sdb1               /u01                    ext3    defaults        0 0

* Copy all music
  mkdir /local/Music
  mkdir /local/Playlists

* vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
workgroup = WORKGROUP
        path = /local/Public
        writeable = yes
        guest ok = yes

        path = /local/Music
        writeable = no
        guest ok = yes

        path = /local/Photos
        writeable = no
        guest ok = yes

* chkconfig --level 2345 smb on

* vi /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo
name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

* vi /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo
name = Red Hat Enterprise $releasever - - dag
mirrorlist =
enabled = 1
protect = 0
gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmforge-dag
gpgcheck = 1

* tar xvfz VMwareTools-4.0.0-171294.tar.gz
 cd vmware-tools-distrib/

* libtorrent-0.12.0-1.el5.rf - nb. had to downgrade or no connection

* vi /etc/inittab

* Copy photos to /u01

* Install squid
 Copy squid.conf and allowed-sites

* Install dnsmasq
 Copy dnsmasq.conf
 Update /etc/hosts

* Install lighttpd
 Copy config
 Copy proxy.pac and link to /srv/www/lighttpd
 Link /u01/Photos to /srv/www/lighttpd
 Available at

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Vmware squeezecenter - now includes BBC iplayer

* Vmware workstation machine
* Install Centos 5.3 dvd - Gnome desktop + server heavily cut down - dhcp, no firewall or selinux
* yum install Mysql and mysql server
* Setup vmware share for host resource directory
* rpm install squeezecenter
* Switch to static ip /etc/sysconfig/network - gateway xx.xx.xx.xx /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR=xx.xx.xx.xx NETMASK=
* Set up static dns /etc/resolv.conf - nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx
* Setup vmware share for host music directory - ln -s from /dev/hgfs directory
* Squeezecenter config - music dir, playlist dir, add iplayer and lazysearch2 plugins, disable unwanted plugins
* Test with softsqueeze
* Re-point squeezeboxes and customise menus - also set alarm
* Increase internet radio buffer to 10 seconds Squeezecenter-Settings-Advanced-Network-Radio Station Buffer Seconds

"F:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware.exe" -x  "G:\Iggy (Centos 5.3)\Iggy (Centos 5.3).vmx"

Friday, 9 October 2009

Oracle : SQL Developer Data Modeller

  • Full oracle support
  • Also SQL Server (2005?) and DB2
  • Java based so linux too
  • Data model v.similar to Designer
  • Reverse engineer and generate scripts
  • Diff ?
  • No db required - xml files - so portable
  • Repository in the offing
  • Expensive - $3k list
  • Unable to draw arbitrary lines for unsupported relationships
  • No customisation
  • Process flows - unable to do functional decomoposition (?)

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

SQL Server : Non-standard ports

When you connect to a server using a default instance configuration (e.g. "myserver"), the SQL client calls the server on the standard port: 1433.
When you call a server using a named instance but lacking a port (e.g. "myserver\instancename"), the SQL client calls SQL Server's management service on port 1434.
The management service replies with a dynamically assigned port (chosen at sql engine service startup) for the instance and the client connection proceeds using that new port.
If the network firewall doesn't have either the management service port nor the dynamic port(s) open the connections fail.

Using dynamic ports for SQL instances means that the instance names are like a SQL DNS system. They are simply there to help the server resolve a dynamic port. Once the port is resolved, the name is superfluous.
You can use additional, and thus non-standard, ports for the additional SQL instances so as to know the ports so the firewall could be configured to allow them.
Once you have a predefined port assigned to a named instance you no longer need the actual instance name for the connection but can simply connect using the server name (or IP) and port number, for example: "myserver,1432".
Also you no longer need to run the SQL browser service on the server that provides the instance name lookup.