Friday, 25 January 2008

Removing Duplicates in Excel 2007

Removing Duplicates in Excel 2007

1. To the right of your data, copy the heading from the column where you want to find unique values.
2. Select a cell in your data set.
3. In Excel 2007, choose the Advanced icon from the Sort & Filter group of the Data ribbon.
4. Choose Copy to another Location
5. In the Copy To box, specify the copy of your heading. In the Figure, this is cell D1
6. Click the box for Unique Records Only
7. Click OK"

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Always show year with ls

ls -l --time-style=long-iso

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Old rope : VNC Over SSH

Always forget how to do this and have to research it again.

This time the scenario is getting an X session on a db server to install oracle software, but the sys admin has locked down the ports so that only the conventional ones (ssh) are open to the outside (well inside the intranet) world (found out using /sbin/iptables --list) . At least vnc is still installed.

Of course the box is open for ssh - so using the very handy tool plink we first set off a vncserver process on the remote box noting down the port being used

Then run the following from the command line on my local windows workstation
plink.exe -ssh -L 5900:localhost:5903 REMOTE_USER@REMOTE_SERVER -pw PASSWORD

This tunnels from the local 5900 port to the remote 5903 port on REMOTE_SERVER by opening a remote session for REMOTE_USER with PASSWORD

Then by opening a vnc viewer locally looking at localhost:5900 we get the desired vnc session.


Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Shuttle KPC

Also see koolu

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Monday, 14 January 2008

BlackBerry: Receiving messages auto-filed in subfolders

I wasn't receiving messages that were being filed by a rule I had set up in outlook - looks like by default the BlackBerry only replicates Inbox and Sent Items - but found a fix here - summary below

How To - Enable Folder Redirection with Inbox sub-folders

  1. From the Home screen, go to Messages.
  2. Click the trackwheel and select Options - Email Settings.
  3. Click the trackwheel and select Folder Redirection.
  4. In the Folder Redirection menu, expand the Mailbox by highlighting it, clicking trackwheel and selecting Expand.
  5. Under the Mailbox, expand the Inbox by highlighting it, clicking the trackwheel and selecting Expand.
  6. Highlight the folder on which you want to enable redirection. Click the trackwheel and select Change Option. Note: If
    you are unable to select Expand for any of the folders, or if the Change Option menu option is unavailable, try turning Wireless Reconcile on the handheld off and then on again. You can find Wireless Reconcile in Messages - Options - Email Reconciliation.
  7. Click the trackwheel and select Save to save your changes.
